Heritage Building Design
Do you own a heritage building and aren't sure where to start?
The wealth of South Coast architecture contains many heritage buildings. If you have a heritage building and are looking to renovate then we can help. If you own a heritage listed building it is common to wonder 'what can I do with a listed building?' People often think this listing means you cannot touch the place, but that is not true. Heritage listing of important architecture means that you need to follow a special process of approvals if you wish to undertake changes.

Heritage & Contemporary Design

Check out our latest Heritage project, redesigning a heritage listed cheese factory
The type of process depends on the type of listing, whether it is local or state and also the Significance of the Heritage Listing. We can guide you through this process and our services can include:
A Statement of Heritage Significance
Heritage Impact Assessment
Conservation Management Plan
Schedule of Conservation Works
A heritage renovation can be sustainable and we can include the latest eco technology into our plans.
In addition we can draft up green floor plans for new build projects that have a heritage look. If you want to research the significance of your architecture follow this link.
Malua Bay, NSW, 2536